What Is An Auragetic?2020-02-07T17:24:04+00:00

Lotus Alchemy’s Auragetic Sprays

What is the meaning of auragetic? What is an auragetic energy field or substance?

An “Auragetic” is an energy field or substance that gives Life Force Energy to the aura, body or chakras of a living being or object. “Aura” from Latin breath or invisible force or Chi around something and “Getic” means emanating, or delivering life force energy. Therefore an Auragetic is a force or substance that delivers Life Force energy to the chakras and aura of the body under the guidance and protection of Christ.

Lotus Alchemy is the first to coin the term Auragetic by following the laws of Nature for healing and wellness. Auragetic pertains to invisible subtle forces that activates, cleanses, balances and supports high vibrational and electrical states of energy.  Auragetic substances raise the vibration of the subtle body and physical spaces thus altering and correcting the energies.

The alchemists at Lotus Alchemy have carefully selected the correct flower essences, and essential oils that resonate with the appropriate astrological correspondences which align with certain planets and plants which resonate synchronistically with each chakra and vital organ of the body to help support and uplift their function.  The word “auragetic”  encompasses the spirit of the discription our products and philosophies.

Using an auragetic substance as a carrier or vehicle to deliver a healing substance to a particular organ or chakra of the body or space along with positive intention and healing sounds we can shift the body and chakras or space to a higher vibration thus inducing healing and well being.

As we raise our frequency we ascend closer to our source. Everything in the Universe vibrates to a certain frequency, and electrical charge and tone with physical matter being at the lowest frequency. Some frequencies and tones and vibrations can break down and harm the body.

Negative entities feed off of low vibrational currents and emotions like worry and fear, cruelty and hatred. Plants vibrate at a much higher frequency than an unbalanced and diseased human body and their particular tones and resonance help us to synchronize our chakras back into alignment with nature. Auragetic Chakra Sprays create high vibrational and balancing energies to uplift and heal and raise the frequency of the body. By doing so the chakras are instantly balanced, cleansed, elevated and rejuvenated.

Disease Does Not Exist in a High Vibrational Field

Auragetics change the human structure by changing it’s vibration and electrical currents, charge and tones using Nature as our guide and healer and teacher. Auragetic Chakra Sprays have been carefully formulated from researching studying the ancient Indian Vedic texts and their wisdom about chakras and close observation of nature and her processes. Nature speaks to us and imparts her wisdom when we stop and observe, witness and listen and become still.

This ancient science and technology is known as Ayurveda and originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. The ancient sages knew we would become lost when we began to traverse the outer world and created these great systems to guide us back home and to wholeness again. The philosophy of Ayurveda recognizes seven main chakras, or, energy centers, which correspond to the 7 major organs in the body, thus each chakra affects all the cells and major and subtle functions within the body.

When one chakra is blocked, there is an imbalance, resulting in a diminished sense of well-being and illness that can resonate throughout the entire body. Most disease is the imbalance of a particular chakra and it’s physical manifestation in the body. Lotus Alchemy Auragetic Chakra Sprays takes alchemical preparations to the quantum level of healing and existence under the protection and guidance of Christ.

Lotus Alchemy coined the word “auragetic” and “auragetic chakra spray” to give an appropriate and unique terminology to our products and healing system and  is copyrighted and protected.